Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Isolation Taught Me

Hello friends!

I could talk for pages about the many things I have learnt during isolation the past couple months, (hey, as an extrovert, it was a Big Deal for me) but today I want to leave with you a poem I wrote partway through the quiet weeks spent at home. I've done a lot of soul searching and melancholy musing during this time, and this poem captures one of the most important lessons I have taken to heart.

Via Pinterest

Isolation Revelation

by Gabriella Jane A.


It was 2020, a few months in;

Behind us were fire and floods.

A global pandemic would soon begin;

The year resembled a dud.


Restrictions set in, uncertainty grew.

We all had to stay in our homes.

The ones allowed out were only a few,

But this was the least of our woes.


Work was cut short, many businesses closed.

For many, the money was gone.

So how can we live? The question was posed.

Can we move forward and go on?


Thousands lined up for the Centrelink aid;

Government would pay them all out.

Some would wait months before they were paid,

Struggling with fear and doubt.


Medical workers were all hands on deck,

Preparing to fight the disease.

Grocery store staff were probably a wreck

If questioned, “toilet paper, please?”

When doing your shop, t’was normal to find

Some grocery aisles stripped bare.

“Please only take one” was commonly signed

As hoarders were sadly not rare.


If you were to go out, you had to stay

Some 1.5 metres apart.

People wore masks and stayed out of your way;

(Buying masks was now off the charts).


You could be fined for some curious things,

Like driving your car just for fun,

Failure to practice social distancing,

(Essentially hugging someone!)


And so we stayed home to work, school, or wait,

And tried to stay happy and sane.

Some learnt a language and thought it was great,

And some napped and then napped again.


They later released free courses and shows,

For people to use and enjoy.

People had time to cook, read and write prose,

Make music or play with their toys.


As we sat in our homes, (which I would add,

Were probably neat and pristine),

We had ample time to sift through the bad

And noticed this life’s greater scheme.


Our hearts went out to the unfortunate,

Like couples who wished to be wed,

People already struggling with debt, or

Those who couldn’t farewell their dead.


We were the lucky ones in many ways;

We were given a chance to slow down.

We could learn to appreciate each day

And the blessings that’d still abound.


We were given a chance, one we could take;

A reminder of what was true.

We choose what we value, our life to make,

An impact on others’ lives, too.


And so, between videocalls, we learnt

What we valued and wished to give.

For life and grace isn’t something we’ve earnt

- It is a gift for us to live.

Via Pinterest

I hope this may have brought you fresh encouragement. :) A reminder that while we may have lost a little, we still have so much. 
I am so keen to get out there and live my life in the most fulfilling way possible! I hope you are, too. <3

(Also, all these words are my own, so please don't re-post without my consent.)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mystery Blogger Tag with a Twist!

Hey friends!

So today I thought I'd do a tag post, as right now I'm welcoming any form of entertaining or informative material. I also am going to add a little twist to one of the rules to make it more interesting! Keep reading for that. ;)

So I will confess, I wasn't specifically tagged for this, but my friend Katie left her tag open with some questions for whoever took her up on it. So thanks for the questions, Katie! ;)

 The Rules:

 (This tag was originally created by Okoto Enigma.)

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Katie's Questions:

1. Your opinion on The Hunger Games?

Ooohh, a can of worms here. ;) Well, I can't fairly say because I'm still not sure what my opinion is. I've seen most of the first film, and the whole of the second one ("Catching Fire") which I didn't mind, but the story itself I do have a little issue with. I am actually planning on reading the books this year to make a proper opinion of it. So hopefully by the end of the year I can answer this properly. ;) 

Hunger Games Quote Sticker
Via Pinterest

2. What was your favorite subject in high school, and what do you think that says about you as a person?

My favourite subject was creative writing and languages and music. That says I was an indecisive youth who enjoyed expressing herself through words and sounds and detested learning sums that had no soul or meaning. (I was also a person who had deep thoughts about just about anything.)

3. If you could choose any meme to represent your inner soul, which meme would you be? (you know, Dark Kermit, angry lady yelling at cat, Blinking White Guy, Sponge-Bob’s “aight I’mma head out,” etc.)

I'm not very familiar with memes (the only one out of your examples I knew was Dark Kermit, and I'm pretty sure that's not me haha)... so after a quick search of such memes, I have found... that apparently my soul cannot be represented with a meme. xD So I went onto my funny/meme Pinterest board and found one that I think is pretty accurate of me:

Funny Animal Pictures Of The Day - 24 Pics
(Also me just trying to be part of any social gathering I come across)

4.Do you prefer movies or TV shows? Why? 

I don't necessarily have a preference. Movies I enjoy as a stand-alone, but TV shows are able to go into depth with the characters more, which I'm all about. I'd say generally speaking, I prefer movies, unless it's a particularly good movie, then I will wish it was a TV show so I could watch the characters for a much longer period of time haha. TV shows tend to make me dislike the characters by the end of six seasons or so, though, and that always frustrates me.

5. Honest answer: Would you be any good as a spy or secret agent? Why or why not?

Oh what a fun question! I'd actually say I wouldn't be too bad as a spy or secret agent. I'm pretty good at bluffing, and I can smoothly talk my way in or out of most situations. I can blend in with a group of people if I don't feel comfortable to talk, but I can also carry a conversation if need be. And contrary to popular belief, I'm not a bad one for secrets. ;) My biggest issue would probably be "betraying" someone if I am working to uncover a bad guy's identity, haha.

Agent 99 and Agent 86
Via Pinterest

... and the twist!

So now I'm supposed to tell you 3 things about myself! However, I thought I'd mix it up a little and give you a chance to get in on the fun. 

Instead, I will be giving you two truths and one lie, and you get to identify which is which.

1. I have been pulled over for two random breath tests. The first one, I accidentally forgot to put the car in park and it started to roll away as I was taking the test. The second time, the police officer walked over to my car window and exclaimed "Oh! The coffee lady!" (He recognized me from the cafe where I work.)

2. When I was first learning how to make latte art at work, I took out a coffee I'd made (which had an unsuccessful white dollop of froth on top, as was sadly often the case), and the customer commented kindly, "Oh, what a nice looking cloud!"

3. When I took a one day intensive first aid course, my instructor asked me to help him give a demonstration in front of the class. He was showing us how to correctly make a tourniquet, when he looked at my arm and realized his tourniquet was crooked, and told me I had funny elbows.

Okay! Now it's YOUR turn! Guess which you think is the lie in the comments and I'll let you know which one it is. ;) (And yes, two of these ARE true. My life is full of these kinds of stories.)

And there you go! I won't be nominating anyone as this tag has been going around, but if any of you would like to do it, by all means - go ahead!  

Doesn't #thespokenlife look so good on Hailey? Her style is simply unmistakeable! Check her out on Instagram @dreaming_outloud

Via Pinterest

Now go out and have a fabulous weekend, friends of mine. <3

Monday, May 4, 2020

Thank you for Peter

Dandelion Wallpaper Dandelion Falling Apart Widescreen Wallpaper
Via Pinterest

The other day I was reading 2 Peter in my Bible and had a thought strike me.

This is Peter... he's writing these letters about the grace of God and the calling and election of God's people after everything else that happened before.

He who is writing about the testing of faith is the same man who began to doubt and slip as he was walking on the water towards Jesus.

He who is writing about holiness is the same man who denied Jesus three times when he swore he would never do so.

He who is writing about virtue and love is the same man who failed so many times, and seemed so confused.

Oh Lord, I whispered, thank you for Peter.

Thank you that there is some one else out there who fails just like me. Someone who let fear take over his faith in moments of doubt. Someone who messed up and did things he could never undo. 
Thank you that you let this man contribute his letters to Scripture, because he reminds me of myself.

But what I am even more thankful for is how he shows me how great You are, God. 

Peter used to be doubtful and fearful, and yet later he talked in front of crowds with confidence and boldness, speaking words of truth and standing firm. He was a changed man. But it wasn't of him. It was of You.

But what strikes me the most, is how You never left him. You never left him. When he was doubtful, You never shook your head in frustration or sternly commanded him to try harder. All You ever did was love him. You forgave him. You were goodness itself.

Thank you, Jesus, that there is grace enough for Peter, because that means there is grace enough for me.

No matter the size of our mistake, no matter how many times we mess up or give in to fear, You always give us grace. There is always grace enough.

Your grace and goodness is far greater than any fear or sin we bring to You. There is no mountain too big, no mistake too deep for You. You are always enough. You are more than enough.

via Pinterest

I know a lot of people who love the apostle Paul and his writing (and I agree, it is always so life-giving for me to read!) and other people who love David or Solomon's writing. Of course I appreciate all of them, but there is always a little part of me that relates to Peter that little bit more. Perhaps because he seems so real and flawed and relatable.

And because in all his mistakes, I see God's view of me even clearer.
When Peter began to sink into the water, Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him and said, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

He didn't rebuke Peter, He didn't tell him he should have tried harder; He simply reminded him there was no need to doubt God's goodness and faithfulness. I can just imagine the gentle tone that Jesus would have asked Peter why he doubted.

When Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus never said a word about it afterwards. He was already forgiven.

I love Peter because his life reminds me that God's first words to us are always of love. We are forgiven. We are loved.
There is grace enough for us.