Friday, January 17, 2020

Every YouTuber I Follow (& Why)

Hey guys!

I thought it would be fun (and maybe slightly embarrassing...) to go through my YouTube subscriptions and share every account that I follow. Now, these aren't counting private YouTube channels, and yes, there are 23, but to be fair, only half of them post more than twice every six months. ;) For some of the channels, I have linked one of my favourite videos of theirs, so you can get a taste of their channel if you so desire... and some of them I wish I could link ALL their videos. ;P
So, without further ado, I present to you (in no particular order):

1.       Nate and Sutton - this is probably the newest subscription of mine. They're a Christian couple who are professional wedding videographers, so their video standards are always very high, and oh my word, their intro. *heart eyes* They address serious topics with an open, honest approach that is extremely refreshing and hey, they're also pretty fun!

2.       Natalie Weiss - anyone who knows me knows I LOVE singing and anything to do with that. Natalie Weiss posts a lot of singing videos, but the main reason I'm subscribed is because she records 'private coachings' and wow, they have helped me a LOT (even after I began singing lessons). Highly, highly recommend to anyone who is interested in next level singing tips and techniques.

3.       Sadie Robertson - THIS GIRL. She's such a big encourager. She's so motivated and passionate about God and the Bible, and I love her enthusiasm.

4.       Jess and Gabriel - I should think a lot of you would have at least HEARD of this couple if you're at all involved with modern YouTube. They're a Christian American-Australian couple who do lots of vlogs, challenges and Q&A's. They're a fun channel to watch when you want to waste a few minutes in entertainment. ;) (I like to watch them with my sister while we do our stretching.)

5.        Fitness Blender - this one is solely for fitness purposes, although I use their website more. For anyone looking for free workout and nutrition information - this is my go-to!

6.       Jordan Taylor - any Blimey Cow fans out there? ;) Well, this is Jordan Taylor's own private channel, and I, for one, appreciate his unique and creative videos.

7.       Tiffany Alvord - I've been watching this girl's videos for about five or more years now... she was one of the first YouTubers I found, and I guess you could say she kind of stuck. She's a singer, but she also occasionally posts other videos, also. She has some really pretty acoustic covers and originals!

8.       Georgia Richards - this is a girl that I actually personally know! :D She does lots of lifestyle vlogs and gives you a good idea of what life in Australia is like! Also, she's really sweet. <3

9.       Rachel Catherine 998 - coincidentally, this is Georgia's best friend! They often appear in each other's videos. Her videos are very pleasant to watch, and again, give a good picture of an Aussie's life. ;)

10.   Evynne Hollens - this lady has a BEAUTIFUL voice!! I really don't know why she isn't famous. (And her technique is wonderful, too. She's a vocal teacher, after all.) Aside from the glorious singing videos (she has a soft spot for Disney, which means brownie points to me), she has some fabulous "How to Sing" videos which I HIGHLY recommend. If you're like me and REALLY wanted to sing but couldn't afford lessons, watch her videos and practice what she does! I promise she has great, healthy training, and a lot of what my own singing teacher says echoes exactly what Evynne teaches. :)

11.   Peter Hollens - no, the surname is no coincidence. In a darling turn of events, this is Evynne's husband, and he is also a FABULOUS singer! He specializes in acapella, which is very clever and astounding. He also does a lot of Disney covers, musical covers, folks songs, and pop songs. And the videos are always fun to watch. ;)

12.   Kristen Mosca - this was a rare find, but I'm so glad I discovered her! She is a wonderful ragtime piano player who specializes in arranging her own versions of Disney songs in a ragtime fashion, and it's SUPER fun!! I promise you'll leave her channel inspired to learn ragtime piano.

13.   Jordan Lee Dooley - to be honest, I don't really watch her YouTube videos anymore, because I prefer listening to her podcasts on my phone while I do chores, cooking etc. But it's always a good time to give a shout-out to this inspiring woman! She has a great podcast, guys. ;)

14.   Jess Conte - this is Jess's personal account (from Jess and Gabriel), where she posts diverse videos, but of a slightly more girlier nature than their vlog channel. They're always high quality videos, and she also posts some singing covers, as she has a lovely voice.

15.   Megan Nicole - similar to Tiffany Alvord, this girl was one of the first YouTubers I discovered. She has a beautiful voice, and does covers on trending pop songs and her own originals. She also has a super cute wardrobe/overall style. ;)

16.   Jenny McDowell - this girl is a member of "The Willis Clan" (who have awesome folk/Irish music!), and she posts fun little vlogs or music videos. This is only a recently started channel, and I mostly watch it to keep up to date with some of the Willis Clan members.

17.   Cody and Lexy - these guys are friends with Jess and Gabriel, and do similar style videos. I almost prefer them over Jess and Gabriel, as they tend to have more of a "real" approach and also less "trendy", in their own way, which I appreciate. Also, Lexy is an actress and Cody is a musician and I find it fascinating to hear how they are making their careers "from scratch" in such a difficult industry. And they're a Christian couple, too, which is awesome. :)

18.   ThePianoGuys - ok, so if you guys haven't heard of this channel WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE GET THEE TO THIS CHANNEL POST-HASTE AND ACQUAINT THYSELF WITH THEM. They're music geniuses. The end.

19.   Gabriel Conte - yep, if you haven't guessed it already - this is Gabriel's private channel from the Jess and Gabriel channel. I LOVE some of Gabriel's small edited videos - it really inspires me in my own private videography. (I highly recommend his videos "I Like Me Better With You// New York", "How I Became SO SUCCESSFUL" and "Draw My Life". Creative genius.) Also, he was home schooled, so that's cool!

20.   Laney Rene - this girl is a close friend to Sadie Robertson (who I mentioned earlier in the post, at #3) and her channel is all about Jesus-focused things and I love it. She has two original songs, also, which are quite inspiring and uplifting to listen to.

21.   Katie Emmerson - if you like wit, fast-paced dialogue and lots of giggles, then this girl is for you. She's a Christian girl with many decided opinions, and I always marvel at what her brain comes up with. Unfortunately, she doesn't post much anymore but her old videos are still just as good!

22.   Webb Family Music - so I actually know this family (or at least, part of it ;)) personally, but they have really awesome music! They're a large family who all have music flowing in their blood, and I have been privileged enough to become acquainted with (some of) them. One of their covers has had 14 millions views! (I'll link it below ;))

23.   Jessica Willis Fisher - and lastly, this girl is ALSO a former member of "The Willis Clan", and this is her private channel. She posts music videos (originals) which have an easy-listening, folksy feel to them. I like her music.

And that's it! I hope this was interesting, and that you found some new gems! Also, as a slight disclaimer, I definitely haven't watched every video on every one of these channels - not even close! - and I really don't watch a whole heap of YouTube. But when I do, these are my go-to channels. ;)


  1. Katie Emmerson is probably my favorite YouTuber ever, so it's rough that she doesn't upload much anymore. XD (But in all seriousness I'm glad that she's living her own life and is not tied to the idea of posting if that's not what she needs right now. Truly.)

    I enjoy Jess & Gabriel too, and the Hollenses are so great! They're adorable. (Their cover of "For the Dancing and the Dreaming"? Er mah gersh.)

    You've intrigued me with Kristen Mosca!

  2. Yesss, Katie is THE BEST!! I knowwww. I'm so sad she's not posting anymore. :( But I totally agree - I'm stoked that she's happy living her own life without needing to incorporate YouTube at the moment... I just wish she might come back one of these days... :D

    The Hollenses are definitely adorable!!

    Oh - how did you like Kristen Mosca?! Don't you think they're such fun arrangements?! (Do you play piano? I can't remember. :O)


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