Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Rainy Day Aesthetics

Today it is raining, folks. After years of droughts, it's always a thrilling big deal when it rains, especially when it pours and then drizzles for an entire day. What richness!

Rain often brings forth the poetry out of me, so here is a quick little post, detailing aaaall the rainy day aesthetics that I love.

Via Pinterest
  • Shadows. But not gloomy shadows - poetic shadows, that make you want to curl up in a corner with a book and snuggle under a fluffy blanket
  • Moody, mellow lighting, with a yellow tint 
  • Pages sticking together in books because of the moisture in the air
    Aesthetic of you🕊 (@marmelad_J) on Twitter
    Via Pinterest

    • Watching the rain droplets splash into the bird baths and ricochet off the ground
    • Staring out at the misty, hazy fields and letting your brain wander, peacefully, tranquilly
    • The unapologetic popularity of naps at any time
    • The excited merriness of crickets and birds high above, chirping
    By anna_kostrzewska
    Via Pinterest
      • Cups chinking and teaspoons rattling as people step out of the kitchen with yet another warm beverage steaming in their hands
      • Creativity abounding. Someone writing a story, someone finishing a puzzle, someone creating wonderful scents while lazily cooking in the kitchen
      • The overwhelming urge to let out a deep sigh and relax your shoulders, drinking in the fresh air
      • Cozy jumpers and ugly, baggy tracksuit pants that feel like a hug
      The best way to while away a rainy day
      Via Pinterest
      • Candles, their bright flames wavering in the restless air
      • A television murmuring in the distance, and music playing in the room beside you, all swept up in the undercurrent of the rain on the tin roof
      • Watching the rain coax all the leaves off the branches, gracefully showering the ground with colours of autumn


      1. Rain on a tin roof must sound amazing! When I was young, my bedroom was formerly the attic, right under the roof, and I loved to lie in bed and listen to hard rain on it.

        1. Ohh, that sounds so lovely!! And yes, rain on a tin roof is such a wonderful sound. Sometimes, if it's absolutely pouring, it means you can't really talk to each other it's so loud. xD We've even had to pause movies because we can't hear the audio (even if the volume is up as high as it goes) because the rain is so loud!

      2. Rainy days are, as the kids say, A Mood. ;D Absolutely loverly post, Gabby!

        1. Haha, indeed! One of my favourite Moods. ;D

          Thank you, Olivia! Xx


      Please don't be afraid to comment! I was once a silent reader myself. :)