Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Lately: Autumn 2023 Edition

I was inspired by Olivia to do another Lately post. They are always enjoyable to write, and I am home from work with a cold right now, and feel like being distracted by pleasantries.

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Note: please overlook the fact this is an autumn edition, even though we are a few days off winter here in Australia, as I write... ;) 


  • Gilmore Girls Season 5 (I know, I know, I said no more, and then I found season 5 at the Bookfest for a few dollars and missed it so much I caved in.)
  • Julia & Julie (because I just finished "My Life in France"... I wanted MORE - it was too short lived :'()
  • The Batman trilogy (one of my friends who is crazy passionate about film hosted them all in a cinema (which he used to work at) so we could watch it all together on the big screen
  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (I've heard of the musical and wanted to see what the movie was all about... aside from seeing Michael Caine before he had gray hair, I apparently hadn't been missing out on too much)

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  • "My Life in France" by Julia Child (delicious to read, even though I've never done French cooking)
  • "It Ends with Us" by Colleen Hoover (one of my work colleagues leant it to me saying I must read it... definitely not the style I usually prefer. That one paired with "A Thousand Boys Kisses"... I don't think I need any more romance for the rest of the year)
  • "Ben-Hur" by Lew Wallace (wish me luck. There's a reason the list ends here.)


  • Chai lattes and chai tea (one of the few teas I ENJOY)
  • Coffee, always 
  • Pumpkin soup (my mum makes a mean pumpkin soup, and it's quite often the highlight of my winter - that and minestrone)
  • Cinnamon rolls (a lady from our home group made them for us last week and I have decided I have a new favourite food)

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  • The Tuck Everlasting musical (because, rehearsals, and also outside of rehearsals they are just permanently engraved into my brain)
  • "Mister Snow" from Carousel and "Who Needs Love" from Ever After the musical (both of which I'm prepping for an upcoming audition... also please tell me you HAVE listened to the delightful entertainment that is Ever After the musical?!)
  • "I Can Do Better Than That" from The Last 5 Years because it's FUN (and yeah I did rewrite some lyrics ;))


  • Learning to swing dance! I went to a 1940s costume swing dance party and it was a blast. An absolute blast, I tell you. I want to go back to that chaotic era of red lipstick and swishy skirts and energetic dancing. 
  • Cuddling our pet hare, who was adopted into our family just before Christmas, last year. He is much like a cat in personality, and can often be seen in someone's lap or hiding behind our couch, snoozing.
  • Leading worship for my local church. I only recently started this year, and have only been able to do it a couple times, but it's honestly been such a blessing. I'm often just backing or singing harmony, but I have lead a few times as well. Singing worship songs with a small band and leading a room full of people in praising the name of Jesus... it gives me many thrills.

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  • That Sounds Fun podcast (it never fails to brighten my day)
  • Tuck Everlasting soundtrack... over and over (and now trying to avoid it as much as possible)
  • Michael Buble & Frank Sinatra radio on Spotify (I choose this as our waiting room music at work because I love it and it makes me happy)
  • Caity Gyorgy (I've just discovered her! I love how she makes up lyrics to otherwise instrumental jazz songs, it's so clever. I am in awe.) 


  • Running our new head office at work (eeekk I feel like I'm now a combination of sales rep and manager and real estate agent and HR)
  • My mix belt. Always. *sigh*
  • Getting off-book with my understudy lines (it's way harder as an understudy... :/)

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  • Travelling internationally... especially to Italy.
  • All the different careers I could pursue, while simultaneously staying in my current job (I've always done this; I'm so indecisive - some days I'm like, "I was made to be a counsellor", or "I should definitely pursue paramedicine", or "I could be a support worker" or "maybe I should do retail?")
  • The day when I get to play a lead role in a musical... someday, some day. :D

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What have you been up to, lately?


  1. How is Ben-Hur? I think the movie is great, but I've never read the book...(Anne Shirley found it quite thrilling, if memory serves :P)

    CHAI TEA. I love that stuff <3

    Ooh, the the 1940s swing dance sounds absolutely lovely!

    I am intrigued by your pet hare! Was he from the wild? I've never heard of hares being domesticated...he sounds like an awesome pet in any case.

    (This is the first time I've commented here, so...hello! It's lovely to meet you :) )

    ~ Lizzie Hexam

  2. Ahhh I love chai! For a very long time, it was the only caffeinated tea that I even remotely tolerated, but recently I've been getting into Earl Grey, too...

    Pumpkin soup sounds delicious, as well! My mom makes a butternut squash soup that is probably pretty similar...

    Swing dancing is the best! I know how, but I've never been to anything like that party--that sounds incredible! (Maybe I should put one on, instead of just waiting for someone to invite me to one...)

  3. So excited to read this in more detail asap!! I have to admit that it’s so fun reading your blog and to be able to call you an in real life friend now ☺️🌷🌸

    ~ Miss Winifred

  4. I’ve never heard of Ever After the musical! And I’ll have to check out Caity Gorgy. I hope you’re doing well, Gabby!


Please don't be afraid to comment! I was once a silent reader myself. :)